Define Uncertainty Templates

Define an Uncertainty Template using the Uncertainty Factor Editor.

To define an uncertainty template, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the S3 // Risk tab.
  2. In the Templates group, click Uncertainty Template. This displays the Uncertainty Factor Editor dialog box.
  3. Use the Size slider to set the desired number of categories.
  4. Enter or edit Name and Type.
  5. Enter or edit Min, Most Likely, and Max percentages. These percentages are used when applying the template to the risk model.

    Deltek recommends that you use the standard 5-point scale using the default Acumen Risk Workshop categories and associated percentage values.

  6. Click Save to save the template. This allows you to re-apply it to other risk models or apply it during different phases of the project lifecycle.
  7. If you loaded a new template, or made changes to an existing template, click Apply to have the changes reflected in the Risk model.